a small booklet of useless information


11th 0f S3pt3mb3r, 2024

this... i/whatever created this.. redacted

13th 0f S3pt3mb3r, 2024

its about day 3(?) or so of work on this website thing in my free time at work. still cant get the font to work correctly for '< p div>' stuff, but ill just ignore it until later. been having some help learning from old friends of mine and its still just so overwhelming... ig ill work on other parts instead of the blog part.

18th 0f S3pt3mb3r

its... been a while. just so much going on in my head and so much of my past getting to my head. been tryna get outside more and go places to distract myself from all the uncertainty. got a few things from [SEATTLE] and [CAPITOL HILL], mostly some cute outfits n stuff. full list was some [TRIPP PANTS], another cute dress, something more to essentuate a femme physique, some chokers/wrist straps, a cool half-sleeved croptop, and the best part (besides the pants) was the last of the store's RX-78-2 RG 2.0 Gunpla. that brand new gunpla released not even a month ago (10th, 4UG 2024). overall more excited for femme clothes/dressing.